Welcome to Chemistry with Dr. Z!
Do you know the difference between flowback water and produced water? Do you understand the correlation between conductivity and total dissolved solids? If you said no to any of those questions, you’re not alone!
Watch and listen to our resident water quality expert, Dr. Paul Ziemkiewicz, as he discusses a variety of water quality related topics in this informational video series.
As director of the West Virginia Water Research Institute at West Virginia University and lead scientist for the 3 Rivers QUEST program, Dr. Ziemkiewicz has over thirty years of experience in developing and managing environmental research programs related to the energy industry. In addition to his vast experience in research related to water quality, Dr. Ziemkiewicz has also served in a regulatory capacity with government agencies, developed regulatory and R&D policy and currently serves on both state and federal policy advisory committees focusing on land reclamation, watershed restoration and mine drainage.